Welcome to our online registration for current students!

Directions for re-enrollment for your child for Headwaters Christian Academy the 2025-2026.

1.  Read all the documentenation in the links below.  You will be required to confirm that you have read and will comply with the information in the Parent-Child Handbook using the link below.

2.  Fill out all required information in the registration form below. Your registration will not submit if all required fields are not completed.  You will see a confirmation screen below this informaiont if your registration submitted successfully.   Please include any and all information in detail. This information will help us update your child’s records.

3.  Pay a Non-Refundable Enrollment Fee per child.  Fees can be dropped by or mailed to our office (address above).  Please make checks are payable to South River Baptist Church with Headwaters in the memo field.  If you would prefer to pay via checking account, debit or credit card you can use this link > https://onrealm.org/headwaters/give/enrollmentfee

If you have any questions, please contact Kim williams at 704-876-1520 ext 112 or kim@southriverbaptist.com. We look forward to enriching your child’s education again this coming year!


  • Gender at Birth
  • Note: Pre-K must be at least 4 by 8/31/25 and K must be at least 5 by 8/31/25.
  • After School Care hours are from the end of Headwaters school day, 2:30pm, until 6p Mon-Fri. It will be an additional $220 per month (will be prorated for months we are here less than 18 days) or each child or $14 per day as needed.

    Parents will be contacted 1st and then Emg Contacts will be next ones we contact for any illness or emergency we have with your child.

  • Please select choice child is with more than 50% of the time.
  • Agreement with Belief Statement, Fees and Policies

    Links to documents referenced below and payment links are included at the top of this form.
  • These statements are available at the top of this form and at this link > https://headwaters-academy.com/beliefs/
  • The $250 Enrollment Fee is due upon registration to confirm enrollment in Headwaters Christian Academy.
  • Tuition costs are available in the Parent-Child Handbook and on our website.
  • All required forms must be submitted prior to attending 1st day of school
  • Updated immunization records or exemptions are required before attending the 1st day of of school.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY